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SBJ photo by Jessica Rosa

2020 40 Under 40: Ashanti Tate, 30

Regional Director, Heartland Center for Behavioral Change

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Ashanti Tate is on the front lines tackling some of the community’s most important issues.

As regional director overseeing the southwest Missouri region for the Heartland Center for Behavioral Change, Tate works on opioid response efforts, programs to help offenders re-enter society and social work mentorships, to name a few. She has big ideas to expand upon that work, including a goal of introducing a 30-day residential inpatient center for those struggling with addiction.

“I am in a position where I am able to implement change and effective policy,” Tate says.

That mindset is not just at work, as she’s also a foster parent for at-risk youth. A pastor’s wife at Turning Point Church, Tate also helps people on their spiritual journeys.

What about your job would shock people? Contrary to popular belief, being a drug addict is not a choice but a disease.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? “Don’t let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.”

What is your theme song? Lee Ann Womack’s “I Hope You Dance.”

What’s your most treasured possession? The blue jacket my grandmother used to wear everyday for many years prior to her passing away.

What is your favorite hobby? Spending time with my former foster child, Zion, whom I pray to adopt in the near future.


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