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Tawnie Wilson | SBJ

2023 Most Influential Women: Lori Johnson Murawski

TelComm Credit Union

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Lori Johnson Murawski’s passion for helping others and leaving the world a better place than she found led her to join the credit union industry, and she says it’s this passion that has helped her evolve into the leader she is today.
“Many people quit when challenges pop up or things do not go as planned,” Murawski says. “I actively work to bring others along with me and not go it alone if possible.”

In her role at TelComm Credit Union, Murawski has led initiatives in the name of growth, including adding online membership enrollment, leading focus groups and recommending new services. These efforts illustrate her commitment to organizational and membership growth.

“At no time did my CEO ask me to do any of those things. I saw the need and pitched the idea and was allowed to run with it,” she says.

Besides her professional endeavors, Murawski has been a force for community development and philanthropy, serving as a charitable volunteer and event coordinator for over 35 years. Whether collecting donations, leading company teams for United Way’s Day of Caring or volunteering for the Salvation Army at Christmas, Murawski aims to give back.

She says her proudest civic accomplishment has been completing her term as president of the Rotary Club of Springfield Southeast, which under her leadership saw 25 new members and became a 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club.
“This has never been accomplished in our club’s 56-year history,” she says of the recognition when each club member donates at least $1,000 in cash or through matched donations to The Rotary Foundation at one time.

In addition, Murawski says she helped secure a $14,000 grant for the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks Inc.’s Watershed Natives program at Hillcrest High School in partnership with Springfield Public Schools.

“The combination of earth science career education, working with young students on practical, real-world issues and helping the environment, preventing soil erosion and ultimately helping our watershed in Springfield, was a win, win, win,” she says.

In the face of unexpected challenges, such as the sudden short-term absence of her CEO, Murawski demonstrated resilience and efficient leadership to keep TelComm running smoothly, all while serving as the president of Rotary Club and managing several other commitments.

Spanning a career in event planning, sales, marketing and development, Murawski says she is not someone who backs down in the face of challenges. Instead, she says she grows and learns from them, pivoting, reframing and remaining diligent.

“I’ve been told I ask hard questions,” she says. “My goal is always to clarify where we are going and check in periodically to make sure we are on track and making progress. I cannot wait to see what good is ahead.”


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